- Γράφτηκε από 6 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΤΡΙΚΑΛΩΝ
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- μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς μείωση του μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς αύξηση μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς
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The 6th Secondary School of Trikala is a modern school, located in Agia Moni area. It operates since 1978-79, in a comfortable area of 10-11000 m. It consists of a ground floor and a first floor with three staircases and three exits, which facilitates the movement of students and their safety in case of earthquake.
It includes 13 classrooms, library, computer room well equipped, Art, Technology, physics and chemistry labs, while in the school entrance is located spacious and technologically equipped multifunction room.
On the ground floor operates cafeteria, while in the courtyard that surrounds the building, there is an indoor gym and organized football, basketball and volleyball stadiums. In the space of the courtyard stood the garden of the school, with many trees around, but also some kiosks and benches for the convenience of students. Care has been taken to ensure safe parking of bicycles, with which many students tend to come to school, cultivating the ecological conscience.
There is a permanent cleaning lady since the cleanliness and safety of students is among the main concerns of the school. However main concern is also the aesthetic education of children. So the school was painted with bright colors and decorated with paintings of known artists, but also with works by the students themselves. On the ground floor there are wonderful frescoes of student (old indoor market of Trikala), while on the first floor table-collage students did inspired by the teaching of Modern History and Literature, combining knowledge and creativity.
The 6th Secondary School of Trikala, apart from teaching, is active in environmental education programs, Health Education and Consumer, cultural, and also participated in the transnational Comenius program.
The same time are made educational excursions and student visits to other schools and institutions of the county, while experts come periodically in the school area for scientific informing the students about contemporary issues. The school has developed publishing activity with student’s works on the literature about the in-school violence and racism.